Chinese teaching -- Books and resources
- Categories:Cases
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- Time of issue:2019-04-15
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(Summary description)HuatuCenterofourcompanyhasbeenengagedinbookdonationprogrammestooverseasembassiesandconsulates,ConfuciusInstitutes(Classrooms)andotherorganizations,whichconstitutesamainchannelforthepromotionofHanban’splannedtextbooks.Bynow,thecenterhassoldmorethan13.83millionbookstoover100countries,,
Chinese teaching -- Books and resources
(Summary description)HuatuCenterofourcompanyhasbeenengagedinbookdonationprogrammestooverseasembassiesandconsulates,ConfuciusInstitutes(Classrooms)andotherorganizations,whichconstitutesamainchannelforthepromotionofHanban’splannedtextbooks.Bynow,thecenterhassoldmorethan13.83millionbookstoover100countries,,
- Categories:Cases
- Author:
- Origin:
- Time of issue:2019-04-15
- Views:0
Huatu Center of our company has been engaged in book donation programmes to overseas embassies and consulates, Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) and other organizations, which constitutes a main channel for the promotion of Hanban’s planned textbooks. By now, the center has sold more than 13.83 million books to over 100 countries, bringing fixed price 904 million RMB. Huatu Center owns Huatu Bookstore and, an online bookstore and e-book sales platform.
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Chinese teaching -- Books and resources
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